The film begins In medias res, after Phineas and Ferb have been nabbed by 2nd Dimension Dr. Doofenshmirtz and his sidekick Platyborg. Phi...
Phineas (Vincent Martella) and Ferb (Thomas Sangster) are celebrating the fifth anniversary of when they got their pet platypus, Perry (Dee Bradley Baker). Candace is opposed to Jeremy going off to college and tries to act more mature with the help of Stacy. Phineas and Ferb create a robot replica figure of Perry to play a game of badminton, and the shuttlecock, along with Phineas and Ferb, crashes into Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz's (Dan Povenmire) laboratory and destroying his "Otherdimensioninator", which is supposed to help him travel to parallel dimensions. Finding this to be cool, Phineas and Ferb offer to help Doofenshmritz fix the machine, and when Perry shows up to fight Doofenshmirtz, he is shocked to see that his owners are here. Unwilling to give away his secret identity to the boys (which would mean he will be relocated to another family), Perry reverts to his "Mindless Pet" mode and is forced to watch them help Doofenshmirtz fire up his invention. As such, they are transported into an alternate universe where a second, truly evil Dr. Doof rules over his Tri-State Area with an army of iron-fist Norm bots. In addition, there is also a 2nd dimension Perry (now named Platyborg), who was defeated by 2nd Doof and programmed to serve as 2nd Doof's second-in-command and general of the Norm bot army. When the boys arrive with Perry, 2nd dimension Doof recognizes Perry is a secret agent, so he orders Platyborg to attack Perry. Perry does nothing, not wanting the boys to discover his secret. Trying harder, 2nd Doofenshmirtz orders Cyborg Perry to attack the boys, which finally forced Perry to reveal his secret identity as Agent P, much to both Doof and the boys' shock.
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