Scooby-Doo! and the Samurai Sword is the thirteenth of a series of direct-to-video animated films based upon the Scooby-Doo Saturday mor...
Scooby-Doo! and the Samurai Sword is the thirteenth of a series of direct-to-video animated films based upon the Scooby-Doo Saturday morning cartoons. It, along with The Goblin King, was produced and completed in 2008, but Goblin King was released first for the Halloween season. It was released on April 7, 2009, and it was produced by Warner Bros. Animation, though it featured a logo for and copyright to Hanna-Barbera at the end (this was the last time the logo was shown). It features the Mystery, Inc. gang traveling to Japan and is the final Scooby-Doo film to have Casey Kasem as the voice of Shaggy, as he retired a few months after the film was released. It is one of the few Scooby-Doo adventures to feature a villain of purely supernatural origin. In the USA, the DVD sold 163,890 units in its first week and as of January 2014, it has sold approximately 524,725 units
Part 1: Click Here To See Part 1
Part 2: Click Here To See Part 2
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