Theo, Lily, and rookie Casey, members of the secretive kung fu academy Pai Zhuq (Order of the Claw), are chosen to become the latest guar...
Theo, Lily, and rookie Casey, members of the secretive kung fu academy Pai Zhuq (Order of the Claw), are chosen to become the latest guardians of the ancient imprisoned spirit, Dai Shi. However, Jarrod, who was rejected from becoming a chosen guardian for his arrogance, accidentally unleashes Dai Shi before fleeing. When Dai Shi destroys Master Mao's physical form, the trio head to Ocean Bluff, seeking their new Master only to find he is actually the seemingly inept owner of the Jungle Karma Pizza parlor, RJ. When Dai Shi attacks, Casey finds himself struggling to find his Tiger spirit. Jarrod turns evil.
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