The authorities of a local town named Grover’s Mill arrest a half-human, half-Pyronite boy named Alan for arson and criminal damage. Alan...
The authorities of a local town named Grover’s Mill arrest a half-human, half-Pyronite boy named Alan for arson and criminal damage. Alan is wearing a Plumber's badge, which the local sheriff triggers when he confiscates it. The badge signals Kevin's badge, which leads Ben, Kevin and Gwen to Alan, thinking Alan’s badge is Max’s. Elsewhere, Alan uses his powers to escape the officers, and the resulting damage to a building leads the team to believe that Alan may have hurt Grandpa Max. After a battle with Alan, Ben discovers that the DNAliens are responsible for the damage, having built a huge, needle-like weather machine in the corn fields. With Alan's help, Ben destroys the machine, and afterwards Ben offers Alan to come with him, Gwen and Kevin. Alan decides to stay to clean up any DNAlien trouble that might still be town, but offers to aid them whenever they need it.
Omnitrix Alien Debuts: Jetray
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