Driscoll, Urian, Enoch and Patrick are all sitting in the same room, eyeing each other with utmost loathing. Chaos erupts when Driscoll a...
Pierce, whose identity is hidden by an ID Mask, is romantically flirting with a girl, but a group of Forever Knights come and demand that he leave Earth. They break his ID Mask, scaring the girl away and then kill him when he refuses to leave Earth. Meanwhile, NRG, Gwen, and Kevin are fighting Trumbipulor, who has escaped the Null Void. Despite their efforts, he escapes as Argit arrives in a shuttlecraft. He explains that the Forever Knights are trying to make him and other aliens leave Earth, and he needs their help to convince them to let them stay. Despite their lack of trust in him, they decide to look into his story. Finding that a few hundred aliens have indeed "left", they go to a Forever Knight castle to investigate. However, they accidentally activate the castle's security alarm; releasing another Dragon Robot, far much stronger than before. Lodestar and Kevin easily destroy the dragon.
The group head to an alien food market to investigate and talk to the butcher Mr. Baumann to find out why the aliens are leaving. Mr. Baumann tells them that he has no idea, so Ben, Gwen and Kevin leave. They sneak back in and it is then revealed that he has been hiding an alien family from the Forever Knights. Mr. Baumann tells the gang that the Forever Knights have been attacking aliens on Earth. The team decides to set a trap and wait for the Forever Knights to show up at the date that a supply ship for the alien food market is coming. Soon, the gang is watching over a bunch of aliens as the supply ship comes, but some of George's knights arrive and attack the team. Ben (as Upchuck), Gwen and Kevin try to fight them off, but the Forever Knights outnumber them and a Plasma Beam Tank drives in and easily defeats Ben, Gwen and Kevin.
Ben, Gwen and Kevin free themselves from the handcuffs they have been placed in and get ready to fight the Forever knights again, but Ben decides to challenge Driscoll to a duel, going from Spidermonkey to Ultimate Spidermonkey. Though Driscoll is gaining the upper hand, thanks to his armour, Ultimate Spidermonkey beats him and threatens him to free the alien he has captured as prisoners and get rid of the knights. The Forever Knights free the aliens and leave. Driscoll reports his failure to George, but George reassures him that he will not be punished and that this will be the beginning of a far greater war, "The battle of a hundred lifetimes".
Part 1: Click Here To See Part 1
Part 2: Click Here To See Part 2
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