Ben, Gwen, and Kevin go out into the wilderness for a camping trip. During a car race between Ben and Kevin, a strange pod falls from spa...
Sunder then arrives on Earth on a mission to find Eunice. While Ben tries to take Eunice to see the ravine, Sunder appears and Ben and Eunice are separated. Ben, Gwen, and Kevin find Eunice at the ravine where Sunder activates a button on her neck, which turns her into a cylinder-like device (presumably an Omnitrix core). Ben stops Sunder from escaping with Eunice and Kevin returns Eunice back to her human form. As Eunice interrogates Sunder about her past, Azmuth appears and tells them that Eunice is actually one of his earlier prototypes of the Omnitrix, known as the Unitrix,(Uni as in one as opposed to Omni as in all.) and when Gwen had electrocuted her hand on the pod, the Unitrix absorbed her human DNA, creating Eunice, and that Sunder was freed from the Null Void by him to retrieve the Unitrix for him. Ben convinces Azmuth to not put Eunice into storage but to instead put her on Primus. Before leaving, Eunice gives Ben a blue-violet flower as a sign of her equally strong romantic love and infatuation for him to remember her by.
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