Cash and JT start a TV show with Oliver (who was fired by Will Harangue after what happened in Video Games ) as their cameraman, in whic...
Cash and JT start a TV show with Oliver (who was fired by Will Harangue after what happened in Video Games) as their cameraman, in which they claim to be the brains behind Ben's success as a hero. Ben, Gwen, and Kevin agree to play along after a sob story from the duo. Monitoring the broadcast, Vilgax's former assistant Psyphon is convinced the boys are responsible for his master's defeat and decides to kill them. During a mission to recover a Power Decoupler from the Forever Knights, Psyphon attacks, having augmented his abilities with Vilgax's technology and unleashes some R.E.D.s (Robotic Extermination Devices). Cash and JT are forced to admit their duplicity on camera to save themselves, so Psyphon turns his attention back to Ben. Ben cannot overcome him, even as Ultimate Spidermonkey, so Cash gets the idea to use the Power Decoupler on Psyphon, draining his power. Ben then knocks him out. Unfortunately for the duo, their act of heroism goes unnoticed, the weapon having knocked out the camera before firing, and their earlier confession has alienated their fanbase. Oliver leaves telling the boys that the show is over.
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