After receiving a message from a five-year-old alien named Probity, Ben convinces Kevin and Gwen to help end a war on the child's hom...
After receiving a message from a five-year-old alien named Probity, Ben convinces Kevin and Gwen to help end a war on the child's home planet. The two sides are bent on war, however; even kidnapping and threatening the respective generals, who are themselves too stubborn to reach an agreement, fails. Ben transforms into Way Big so he may speak to the entire planet at once, but inadvertently worsens the situation when he accidentally destroys the planet's hero's statue. This ironically unites the entire planet in its hate for Ben. Meanwhile, Kevin who has been selling weapons to either side, along with Argit, decides to run with the profits he has made but is instead forced to leave the money behind. The money is discovered by Probity (who was dissatisfied with Ben's attempts to stop the war, her initial admiration turning into hatred).
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