Ben meets an alien con artist named Professor Blarney T. Hokestar whose miracle elixir is extracted from a small alien called a Screeg...
Ben meets an alien con artist named Professor Blarney T. Hokestar whose miracle elixir is extracted from a small alien called a Screegit that is kept in his lab. When a Florauna activist named Pax convinces Ben to help him free the small alien from Hokestar's lab, chaos ensues when the nitrogen in Earth's atmosphere turns the exposed Screegit into a giant, acid-spitting monster with Ben having to keep it from wrecking the city.
Omnitrix Alien Debuts:Ampfibian (Omniverse debut), Swampfire (Omniverse debut), Wildmutt (16 year old Ben, Omniverse debut), Jury Rigg (Omniverse debut), Grey Matter (16 year old Ben, Omniverse debut), Nanomech (Omniverse debut)
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